Happy Holidays! We are away. Returning 1/18/2024

Our Manifesto

Rules be damned. Listen to your palate. Not someone else’s. If you want to serve red wine with ahi, do it! If you prefer to aerate rather than decant, who are we to argue? If you like sipping white wine from a martini glass, be our guest. It’s your tastes that drive our choices – and why we’re so very meticulous about our craftsmanship. We’re doing something remarkable with wine here. We’re listening.

Steve & Marilee Shaffer

Marilee and Steve Shaffer

We are both passionate about great (and interesting) food wines. We also reached a point in our lives, after 30 plus years together where we wanted create together.

Urban Legend was born of these two great desires. Given our backgrounds in engineering and biotech, you’d expect meticulous care in what we do; we do pride ourselves in our fine craftsmanship.  As you’d expect, we let science drive our technique.  Our passion and senses ultimately guide our winemaking.

What may not be as obvious from our previous careers is our devotion to simplicity and minimalism. We strongly believe that being true to the fruit and terroir are best expressed by intervening only as necessary.

We do, however, try not to take ourselves too seriously. We hope that you will delight in our puckish humor and love of double or triple entendres. Most of all we want to hear from you and know how we can continue to delight you and your senses.

How can we help?